Five things B2B content marketers can learn from dating

Posted on September 13, 2016 by Man Bites Dog

When it comes to relationships, I think we can all agree that the journey from first date to happily ever after is, well, complicated.

Content marketing for B2B organisations is not dissimilar. Think about it for a minute. We start the journey by searching for potential dates (attracting leads), in the hope that can secure a date (an interaction or meeting) that will ultimately lead to a serious relationship (a commitment or sale) that blossoms over time.

Here are five things B2B content marketers can learn from the world of dating.

First date

  1. Laws of attraction

Don't oversell yourself to attract attention. In the same way a photograph or personal profile description may not live up to the reality (to put it politely) when you meet in a crowded bar, the content you publish should be authentic - a true reflection that delivers on the promise.

Marketers should focus on promoting the problem they can uniquely solve by aligning content with a product or service that can be delivered with confidence.

  1. Er, too much information (#TMI)

You know the type. The one who tells you their life story – a potted history of their childhood, career, past relationships gone wrong and what they ate for dinner last night – but leaves nothing left to find out.

Content marketers must strike the right balance. Focus on saying something different and original that demonstrates expertise that leaves prospects intrigued to find out more. Keep the detailed ideas and thinking for the second date.

  1. Hey good looking

Simply relying on your ‘great personality’ or reputation is not enough to stand out from the crowd. You must look good too.

Ensure the content you create is visually appealing and eye-catching. One study showed that when information is presented to us as text in combination with a relevant image, we are likely to remember 65 per cent of the information three days later, compared to only 10 per cent when text is read alone.

  1. See and be seen

Don’t wait for the perfect partner to call you for a date, take control by proactively hanging out in all the right places. Find out what they like to do in their spare time, the places they go and the people they admire.

Successful marketing programmes are those that place the customer centre stage. Create and disseminate the right content that audiences are interested in and want to engage with, via the channels they actually use.

  1. Be ‘the one’ and live happily ever after

There are plenty of fish in the sea so how do you make sure you are the chosen one? Focus on what you’re good at and demonstrate success and proven results to show you have what it takes and that you’re different from the rest.

The hard work and effort doesn’t stop once you are ‘official’. Don’t let the relationship fizzle out. Surprise your partner with fresh ideas and new approaches to ensure content remains engaging, useful and relevant.

To ensure your content marketing is a match made in heaven, take time to consider your customer needs, and the big ideas that make you stand out.

Checklist to ensure you are producing effective content marketing

This post is part of Man Bites Dog’s ‘No Contest’ blog series on developing long-running marketing, PR and sales programmes that sell, and are driven by compelling content.


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