Man Bites Dog Wins Sixth Award for Architecture Campaign

Posted on February 1, 2007 by Man Bites Dog

Man Bites Dog has scooped a sixth major award for its These Four Walls campaign for global architects, Gensler.

The consultancy won the Gold award in the Business to Business campaign category of the CIPR PRide awards.

CIPR judges said: "This is an outstanding campaign; perfect in every sense. As a template for an effective business to business campaign, this would take some beating. The results are impressive. The interpretation of the client's brief is creative and this work proves that solid, quality research is one of the best ways of underpinning a strong campaign.

"We were particularly impressed with the attention to detail in planning and execution, for example testing questionnaires with focus groups and canvassing key journalists' opinions on potential headlines.

"This campaign sets the standards that others should strive for."


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